Momma’s bump is too big and heavy.
Momma can endure the dance inside
Momma couldn’t eat, sleep or walk well.
But I’m glad you’ve grown so big in there.
Momma had been waiting for this day. Momma was so nervous and excited.
The moment momma entered the labour room, Momma’s heartbeat was like the end beet of singarimelam.
Momma lay down in bed for a doctor’s check-up, And the machine made her hear your heartbeat Momma was so nervous and excited.
The doctor, with a white scarf, takes details. Momma had no serious issues.
Momma couldn’t stay there without your papa. Momma’s heart wished to hold Papa’s hand. Mamma was so nervous and excited.
Momma was admitted and the room was not ready.
The sisters instructed Momma to stay there and sleep.
Momma couldn’t sleep today.
The moment momma got permission to go outside Momma ran to Pappa.
Momma was so nervous and excited.
Pappa gave the midnight dinner and water. Momma couldn’t eat and drink till tomorrow evening.
The night was so long and sleepless.
Momma was so nervous and excited.